US Polo Assn.

5,500 RC Model Airplane Plans, Gliders, Jetex Control Line Templates PDF DVD G51

Description: Classic Archives Listing NEW OFFER!!!!!!: While our standard delivery is still via a CD or DVD, we recognize not all of you have a computer with a CD/DVD drive. We offer delivery on a USB flash drive for this, and all of our disks, when you add USB Flash Drive Delivery from our ebay shop. NOTICE: If you don't see our listing for our USB flash drive delivery in our store at this link, that simply means we are currently waiting on more to arrive and can only offer CDs and DVDs at this time! Check back soon! The Largest RC Model Airplane Plan Library on ebay! 5500+ RC Model Plane Plans Our Largest Collection on DVD Want More Planes? This DVD does not include these DVD's that you can also get in our store: 135 JETEX Scale Model Plans 375 Giant Scale Airplane Plans 550 Full Scale Airplane Plans Including Propeller planes: Historic Fighters: Classic Bomber Jets like the Stealth F117A: With a Free Bonus Vintage Hobby Airplane Catalog Library! This collection contains 5500 RC model airplane plans! A true must have for any serious model airplane builder. This is the largest library of RC model Airplane plans ever assembled. A true library of library of all sorts of different plans and designs for all of your RC model airplane wishes! All plan files are labeled and are in either PDF, DXF, or image format that you know and trust, for easy reading and printing. There are no unknown or strange file formats! Please ensure you have the latest copy of Adobe Reader installed on your machine (it is free online). A DWG viewer is also included for the DXF files. This plan set includes plans that are in full scale, with details of the fuselage, wing ribs, etc, so you can build a fine RC airplane from scratch. The larger plans, you can print off in your printer using the poster format in Adobe Reader, that will tile the pages that you can tape together to form one large full scale poster. You can then use those full scale plans by cutting them out as templates for tracing on to your project. You can also zoom into one area and just print that out as well in full scale. You can also take these plans to your local print ship and print them out full scale on one sheet of paper. But having them in digital format gives you the convenience of printing them out as many times as you wish, why buy a full size paper plan when you can print your own as many times as you need? NOTE: These are plans only intended for the experienced scratch builder. No parts or materials are included. Also, step by step instructions and procedures, and are NOT included. These plans are meant to be used and interpreted by an experienced builder. These plans are not intended for beginners who have never built a plane before from scratch. Here is a partial list of plans included: 0 four9ier 109 1-2 Wave 123 PIPSQUEEK 1-2A-Brigidier 14Bis 1910 Henri Farman 195 200laser 20float 2x1 36in Cessna 170 39Moffet 39Stout 3d 3DPMini 40 Acrofovic 4fw 65k 7AC 8 ohm 90AF A3J Vigilante A6M2 Zero Marutaka A7 Corsair II ABC Robin updated ABC Robin MAN 56 accessoires Acrofovic 40 Acro-Sportster 40 Acrowmf Aegeus 42in Aermacchi Santa Maria Aerobat2 Aerobee170 Aerobipe Sig Aeromaster Aeronca 15AC Sedan with Floats aeronca Aeronca C3 Aeronca Sedan Aeronca Sedan wing AeroncaL3 AeroncaTandem help AeroncaTandem Aesop AG 120 AG 90 ag120 ag90 AgMaster agwagon Aichi D3A2 Val aichi d3a1 val fsi Aichi D3A2 Val Air warden Air Scout Airacoba Airhopper Airknocker Air e kite Airspeed Courier Akro Bee Akron Favorite Ala 1240 Albastross Albatros Albatros Albatros DV (1) Albatros DV (2) Albatros DV (3) Albatros DV Albatros DV DVA AlbatrosC111 Albatros-D11-Peanut-Arno-Diemer-vec Albatross 72in Albtros DV PDFvector hogal alex Alexander Flyabout AlienInvader Alize Alley Kat Allstar Bipe-1 AM-40 Amateur Graupner Amp 015 Amp Master amp ampmast AMRAAM Andromeda Antonov AN-2 Towner Apache Apparition(Jetex) Apprentice Boddo Aries Aries 72 Arrow Arsenal article Asa Asa-Jumbo-Arno-Diemer Ascender Ascender article Ascender R2000-2002 Drawing.dwg asport Astro hog 2000 astro Astro Hog 2 sheets astro hog 2000 Astrobee500 Astro-Hog Jr Athena AtlasD Atom II Attacker-28 Auster Austin Whippet R2000-2002 Drawing.dwg Austin Whippet PDFvector print bw Avro Anson Avro Lancaster MK1 AVRO 504 Avro Avian Avro Avian R2000-2002 Drawing.dwg Avro707a B17 Boeing rubber B-17 .zip B-17F Flying Fortress B-17G B2 Spirit B-24-Liberator B-25 B-25 C Mitchell-FM-06-82 B-25 Mitchell Baby Bombshell-FM-02-92 Baby Comet Baby-Bi 29-460 BabyBoomer BabyMix BAC Drone 2 Back to Front Baden Paul Manlifter Ballon BandBoy Bandito Bar Flea barn Barnstormer 25L Baron Barracuda Basic Trainer pre 1963 Batedor 2 bayoubullet Bazz Bomb bb2 bbird Bdodger BE 2C BE.12b article BE-12b Be2E Beastie Bede BD5 Bee Baby Beechcraft C-45 Beechcraft Staggerwing 41span Bell X-5 Bellanca Light Tractor Bellanca Aircruiser 1937 Bellanca Decathlon 96in Bellanca Sky Bellanca Skyrocket 26in Bellanca WB2-MAN-12-79 Bellanca-Cruisemaster Bellanca-Light-Tractor-Peanut-Arno-Diemer-vec Berkeley Custom Cavalier 108 Berkeley B-25 Berkeley B-26 full bermuda dive bomber Bermuda Berry Bf 108 bf109 bgiles Bi Mini bmp BI-BABY Bi-Fli Big Bee Big Brother Big red max Big John Big Lazy bigbro Big-F bigone2 binary bipe4 Bird Dog Bird Kite Birdie Ten BirdofTime BittyBipe BlachbrantVI BlackbrantVII Blackburn Skua BlackMagic Bleriot Bleroit 11-Peanut-Arno-Diemer-vec Blew-Angel Blippy 1957 Blizzard Bobcat Boeing B-17G Boeing B-17 Boeing PT-17 BoeingFB1 Bokkie Bol Bonzo-MAN-09-68 Boomer- boorey Bootstraps A-RC Bowlus-Nelson Bumblebee-RC Sportsman 12-75 Box Fly 20W Bravo Breezy Junior Brewster 239 Brewster F2A2 Buffalo brewster BrewsterXSBA1 Brisfit Bristol Beaufort Bristol Blenheim mk4 Bristol Prier Bristol F2B Bristol Scout D Bristol Scout FF BristolMono eScout Bubbles Buccaneer Bucker 133 Bucker BU-133 Jungmeister Bucker 180 Student Bucker Jungmeister-Flyline Models Bucks Duck Bugatti R-100 Buhl Pup Buhl Sport Airsedan Buhl Pup Bull Dozer Bulldog Bulldog article Bullpup Bumblebee Buttercup Buzzard Bombshell buzzard BuzzBomb c130 CA-15 Kangaroo ca15 cabane Cabineer Cabruler-MB-04-76 CAD Kaos cadkaos Camel Canard Stick CanardJet(Jetex) Cannonball Cannonshot CannyCanard CAP 21 CAP 232 cap cap10b cap10mm cap21 cap232 Cardinal Castaway(Jetex) Caudron 1911 Mono e Caudron CB28 ccbeast Cecil Peoli CementMixer cesna Cessana 172 2 Cessna 170 Cessna 172 Cessna 180 Cessna C-34 cessna c34 Cessna L-19 Bird Dog (1) Cessna L-19 Bird Dog (2) Cessna L-19 Bird Dog Cessna 172-20 marutaka Cessna 177 CessnaC34 CF-105 ChallengerMk4 Champ Chance-Vought SB2U-1 Charger s Cherokee 140 Cherokee Chilton Cirrus Soarer Citabria Citabria 20 Citabria-MB 10-83 Classmate-100 Climber Cloud-Dozer help Cloud-Dozer help2 Cloud-Dozer Cloudster 50 Coachman Cody Drachen Colibri-Peanut-Arno-Diemer-vec comet Condor Bau Robbe Contender bmp ConvairDelta(Jetex) Conyne Corsair Cracker cropduster Cross Deck Cruisemaster Cub Cuc cuda Culver Cadet Curtis XP55 Ascender Curtiss SBC-3 1 Curtiss Wright CW1 Junior manual Curtiss Wright CW1 Junior Curtiss Hawk Curtiss Osprey 30in Curtiss Robin-MAN-09-61 Curtiss-Wright Junior CurtisXP31 Cutlass 20 Cut-Less-MB-02-75 d5a d7 d8 d8prt1 d8prt2 Dagent Dagent25 Damsel Fly Dandy DanielRog Dap306 Dardo dardo2 Dart Kitten Dart Kitten Dart Kitten 60 Das Ugly Original DasNotUgly DasUglyStick Dauphin dc-3 dakota dc310 dc3gear De Havilland DH82a Tiger Moth De bolt Chief Debolt Rebel Debolt Chief Debolt Special 50in DeboltBi Debut defiant deHaviland DeHavilland Beaver DeHavilland DH 1A DeHavilland DHC 2 Beaver-MB-05-86 De-Havilland-Dh82a-Jumbo-Arno-Diemer-vec DeHavillandDH88comet DeHavillanDH88Comet Delta Box Delta Conyne Delta Pushmetric Delta Delta Delta 1 BW Print Delta 1 R2000-2002 Drawing.dwg Delta 707 deltapus Demarcay DeMarcay2Cl depelec deperdussin DeperdussinTT Deper-TT Der Jager Modelhob DerElectrikJager Dethermalizer Dewoitine DFS Reiher DFWT 28 Floh-Jumbo Arno Diemer vec DH 2 DH Hornet DH Tiger Moth 44in Moore DH-2 done DH5 help DH5 DH60 Gipsy Moth DH-88 Comet-1 Dh91 DHVenom Diamond Kite Dinky Dizzy Doglas Attack B 8A-5 donsider DoonSider Doonsider25 Dopero Dornier D-18K1 Double Parasled Double Trouble DoubleTrouble Douglas dc3a Douglas XB-42 Mixmaster Douglas C-47D Skytrain Douglas DC-3 Douglas JD-1 DouglasTBD Devastator DQA Drafty Junior Drake 2 Dreamboat drenalyn Drifter II dromader Duck duck mig-8 Duckling-MB 06-82 Due x Due Duet DummyDip50(Jetex) duplex Duster Dynasoar Eaglet 50 EAP eastborne Eastwind Eastwind2 easyflyer Eddy Educator Eindecker Eindecker Eindecker3 Eindekker Einfacher Flugzeugdrachen eirp55 El Griingito RC El Bandito El Toro Elec Cardinal elect-j Electra Electra 300dpi Electric Hots Electron FM-12-50 Elektrik-JNger elexin Elf Bi e Senior 60in Elf co2 elf x2 elfbipe elfx2 Elias Aircoupe Eliminator Emeraude emeraude1 EmeraudeCap10-Peanut-Arno-Diemer-vec envoy Epee 2 Europa EvansVp1Volks e-JumboArno-Diemer-vec EvansVp1Volks e-Pistachio-Arno-Diemer-vec excelsus Exodus experap experimental twin Extra 230 Extra 300 Extra Easy Extra 230 87in Extra 300 extra300 ExtraEasy EZ Juan Glider ez400 ez-ed F10 F-100 Super Sabre F117 A Stealth Fighter f117 F14 F14tomca F15 F-16 Falcon f2a f2b1 F4U f4u corsair F4U-1A Corsair Sterling F-86 Sabre f-86 F-86D F8C-1 Curtiss F8E Crusader f8f bearcat F8F-Bearcat American Modeler Feb 1961 F8U Fairchild PT-19 Fairchild PT19 fairchild Fairchild22 Fairchild22 1 Fairchild-PT-19 FairchildT31 Fairey Batle Fairey Barracuda Fakir Falcon Falcon 56 Falcon25 Fantail Fantrainer Farman 400 Farman Moustique Farman-1912 FarmanF380-Jumbo-Arno-Diemer-vec Fatso fchild24 FE-8 BW Print FE-8 R2000-2002 drawing.dwg FE8-Aeromodeller-12-52 Feather Featherfly text and Fenix Feuervogel Fiat Fiat cr32 Fieseler Fieseler V1 Fighter Kite Finish Fire FizzelFazzel FK8 Flanders Flanders F3 (1) flapper Flash FlashGordon flea Flea-Fli Fledermaus Fledgling FS29 fleet Fleetwing flip flipper27 Flipper-Grid Leaks RCW 11-12-1966 floats Floppy Disk 2 Flower Power Flugzeugdrachen2 Fly Baby 72in Flyabout Flybaby Fly-Boy flyer FlyingFlea15 FlyingWing Focke Wulf TA152h Focker d8 Focker Dr1 Focker Eindecker 3 Fokker D VII Fokker DR 1 Fokker G1 fokker Fokker D6 Fokker D7 RC Fokker Dr1 Fokker DVII Fokker DVIII Veron Fokker DVIII Veron wing Fokker DVIII-RC Sportsman 04-77 Fokker EIII-MB-02-72 Fokker Eindecker3 Fokker Tri e co2 folkerts Force10 Ford Fliver-Jumbo Arno Diemer vec Fournier Fox 107 foxy FR1 Frank Frantique Fred-Peanut Arno Diemer vec Friede Fundango funfly Furnace Fury delta Fusca future FW152 fw152 1 FW190 FW-198 Megow fwing ga8 Gadfly Gadfly Gafanhoto galinhao GallopingJohn Gannet Garden Cub Garti Gasser Gaucho gcmpt1 gcmpt2 gc Gee Bee D Gee Bee R2 Gee Bee Z Gee Bee gee bee profile Gee-Bee E Sportster Genki Gentle Lady Geo Sat Georgia Cracker germ Glamourwake glider Glider400 Gloster Gladiator gm Goa goeland Go-Jet Les-Rudd Golden Eagle GoldenOldie20 Goldenoldie20 Goldie Gone Goose-MB-12-84 Good Knight Gordou Grahame Grass Hopper-MB-11-87 Grasshopper Grasshopper Graupner Taxi Great Lakes Trainer Great Lakes Griffin III-MB-12-82 Griffon grob109 grob109b Grumman AF2 Guardian Grumman F3F Grumman F4F-3 Ranger Grumman F6F Grumman F8F Bearcat Grumman fighter Grumman XFX4F Grumman J2F GrummanF8Bearcgif grunau Grunau Baby IIb Grunt Guardian 46 Guff Guided Mite Guideline Guillows Trixter Beam gulfhawk Gull Gull II GulliverRC GunBus Guppy-1 Messerschmitt BF-109 60" WS Miss Kat Brat 60" WS P-40 Warhawk 60" WS P-51B Mustang 60" WS Vultee P-66 Vanguard 60" WS motoszybowiec Messerchmitt Me163B 1A 60" WS Guppy-1 gw40 Gwing Gypsy gypsy H Hurricane H Typhoon H20 Half What-FM 06-07-1963 Half-A-Wild-Deuce-AM-11-65 halfspit Handley Page E Haniball HanriotHD1 Happy Wanderer Happy 20 hawk hawk 1 Hawker Seafury HAWKER Hawker Demon 28in HawkerHurricane hb1 big scale hcs He-177 Headmaster KW Heath Midwing-MB-12-91 heatseek2 heinkel 112 Heinkel He162 Salamander heinkel P 51 HELIKOPT hellcat Henderson Glenny Gadfly-Peanut Arno Diemer vec henschel hiclimber hienke HiFin High Diver HighAltitude(Jetex) HighQ hijacker Hiperbipe Hlg HM-14-MB-11-83 Hooper Hoosier Hot-Shot Hopi Dart hopper hornet Hornet-MB-11-90 Horten Horten-HoXIII HotDawg Hots 40 Midwest Hots II-Midwest hots40 hotstuff2 Houdini MAN5908 howard hpfly HTyphoon Hughes500 Hummingbird Hunting Provost RTP hurri Hurricane hurricane Hurricane Mk1 Pilot hurridur Hustler-XD-7-Delta Hydro Honey i224 IA-58 Pucara Ichiban IL-2 il2 Ilyushin2m Stormovik Image-FM-04-85 Imp glider Indoor Team Racing InlandSport R-400 insight insightv2 insomniac insuror Ironcross islander ixir3 J22 j3cub1 J3 .zip Jackdaw Frog 60in jager Jak3 Jake Jan Hillers Jetex Heli Japp JascoThermic 100 Jatex(Jetex) Javelin jeep Jersey Lightning AT Jetmaster(Jetex) JN4D Jenny-AAM jnd Jodel BeBe Jodel D-9 jodel Jodel Bebe Jonny 59in Journey Man Jouster II Joy Stick 049 Sport Jr Electrafly Jr Falcon JulJet(Jetex) JuneB jung Jungmann Junior Skylark JuniorPAALoader(Jetex) Junk Yard Dog Junkers D-1 Junkers J-10 60in Just Junior kadet Kakadu PDF kaos15 Kastendrachen Kawasaki Ki61 Kawasaki ki-61 Hien Ki-61 Ki61 Kioritz Kite KK Super 60 KK Super Cruiser 40 Klaustrophobia II Klemm klemm KnApfer Schlange kolb Kolibri kol.02 Kookaburra Kookaburra Kookie koolhoven korda Korean fighter kite Krackerjack 32 Kreider-Reisner KR-34 Challenger Kwik Fly 3 kwikflt laban LadyBug ladyfinger4-2 Lanzo 1937 RC Stick Lanzo Stinson S Lark 30in Laser200 lasersheetsr13 lastick Lazy Bee Aileron Wing 50in LazyBee 48 Wing ld400 Le 109 Pionyr Leander 49 LeastieBeastie Legend Airtronics LEO4 Lewis lf50 Liberty Sport LibertyBelle Light Duty light lightning Lil Esquire Lil Swell 2 Lil Tri Squire (1) Lil Tri Squire Lil Beau Bipe Lil T glider Lil-Gem-MB11-77 Litebug Little Extra Little Arcy Little Bomb-MB-07-75 Little One-MB-10-75 Little One-MB-10-75 Little Roughneck-AM-11-63 Little Star LittleGem littletern Live Wire (1) Live Wire Champ Live Wire Live-Wire-Kitten LMHHOLZ LO100 Lockhead T33 Lockheed Air Express Lockheed P-38 Lightning Lockheed Vega Lohner Loopstick Lorelei all LowLizz LowLizz lrb LRDD3 ltduty ltwt40 lublin LublinRXIV Luftewaffe Lumpers Lupila lusc10 Luscombe Silvaire 80in Luton Minor LutonMinor ly mabuch Macchi Castoldi MC-72 Macchi MC200 Macchi M33 40in MachNone Macs Minnie Macs Robot mag1 MagicMaid magister Magnum80 magnun Majorette Mambo 48in March3 Marchetti SF260 Mark 13 C martha5 Martin Baker MB5 Martin B-26 Marauder MartinB-26Marauder PresBruning Marutaka bf-109e MatchStick mauboussin Maxi maxi p mayfly MB5 MC200 mcdowe McDowell McENTEE PM CO2 mdb Me 163b ME-109 me109 me109k Me109KDXF Me163 Me163 Komet me163b Me163bKomet me-262 MegaPepper Megowcoupe Mercury mess40 MesserchmittBf109K Messerschmidt BF109e Messerschmitt BF109-Jumbo Arno Diemer vec Meteor IV Meteor Mezger Rolo mg MG-049 MGeeBee Mickey Mickey Mousetang Micro Fish Micro Star 1 Micro Vagabond Middle Stick (1) Middle Stick Midge MIG Mig 15 mig-15 MIG21 mig29 mig3 MIG7 Mig7 MIKE ARG Miles M-202 Mini Tyro Mini Bird Mini FAI-MB-10-72 Mini Mono minicap Mini-Fledgling MINIHELI Minimax-Peanut Arno Diemer vec MiniMissle-HH255 minimum mini eur Minnie Mouse MinnieMambo Mirage 2000 Ducted Fan Mirage2000 Miss Amer texaco Miss Cosmic Wind Miss Grandin Miss Martha 5 Miss Phila VI Miss Philadelphia4 Miss America Miss L Strader Miss Scarlett Missing Class E MissRJ MISSSANB Mitsubishi A5M-4 Claude RC Mitsubishi A6M5 Mitsubishi J2m Raiden Mitsubishi J2M3 Raiden MJD Sopwith MK2 full mobuzdxf modsm moffet Mohawk Buzzard Jr Mohawk Pinto Momo 2002 mono Monocoupe-FM-05-83 moon Moonbeam-II Mooney Executive-RC Sportsman 12-75 morain Moraine-Saulnier Morane Saulnier MoraneSaulnier MAN-7-65 MoraneSaulnierAC MoraneSaulnierP morrismustang mostrro Motor tutor mpacer MS-AG MT135 mulligan Multibug Mulvhill mulvhill- Musciano RC Fokker D-VIII mustang P51D Mustang Mystere 3000-Scorpio N1 N3N-3 na naapache Nakajima Navajo Navigator Don McGovern navion NewBee Nice Bi e nicebipe niep161 Nieuport 28 Nieuport 11 Nieuport 17 Nieuport 28 Nieuport11 Nieuport12 Nike Hercules nikolov Ninja nma-36 Nomad2 NoName North American F86A Sabre North American F-86D Revised North American P-51D-FM-12-01-1965 North American P-51D-Jumbo Arno Diemer vec Northrup Primary Glider nortstar Not EZ Nova 1 NS2000 nuport o41a o43a O47 o49 o52 Ogar Motoszybowka Ogar-FM-08-77 Ohka rapier Olivier onedesign oomph Opel-RAK1(Jetex!) Orflier orion25 OrionSportFunfly osprey Outlaw OV10 ov-10bronco s400 OwenKampen202 Oxford Airspeed Twin P 40 F Warhawk P 47 D Thunderbolt P 51 B Pony P 51 D Combat P 51 D Mustang P 51 D Python P 51 Morris mustang P 51 P 51D Mustang 48in Pilot P26 P-26A P26A-1 p35 P38 Lightning p39 P39aircobra p40 p47 P-47 Thunderbolt Sterling p51 Mustang p51 P-51 Burgass P-51 Micro p51a p51b-pony p51d P-51D Mustang Marutaka P-51D Royal p51hafax p-51pony p51profl PAAKing(Jetex) PAALoader(Jetex) PAALoadJun(Jetex) Pace Spirit Paddys Pig PanAmPolka Paoli Paper Flyer PaperTiger Parafoil Parnall Elf Parnall Pixie-Peanut Arno Diemer vec parolotnia pavka Pazmany PL1 PB-1 Twin Cleaned PB-2 PBY5A 80ws PDQ Pearson Roller Pearson Split Malay Peerless glider help Peerless glider Penfriend Pepper 22in PercheNo3DXF Perigee Perky PeterPan(Jetex) PIK 15 Pilatus pilen Pilot Little Toni pilot ace 20-H pilot baby s Pilot Cessna 152-20 Pilot QB 20 h Pionero-Peanut Arno Diemer vec Pionero-Pistachio Arno Diemer vec Pipe Dream Piper J-3 Cub Piper Cub Piper PA-18 Super Cub 74 in Piper Tomahawk PiperCub Pipsqueek Pitbull Pitts S-2a 10 Pixie er2 y ag120 y bibak400 Playboy Sr playboy Playboy Sr-MB-03-85 (1) Playboy Sr-MB-03-85 Playmate podwozie1 Polecat Polestar polikarpov Pond Baby pony2 Prescott Propjet Privateer Super 15 Project Pilot Pronto pack Prophet Prophet 941 PT-19 1 Puddle Jumper Pulsair Delta Pup Push Moth PWS 11-Peanut Arno Diemer vec PZL M18 Dromader-Jumbo Arno Diemer vec Q.B.10H QB.20L QB 15H QB 2500 QB Slope-16 QB10L Q-Tee 36in Quaker Too quaker QuakerFlash Quaker-Mathis 1/2A P-51D Mustang 36" WS A-7 Corsair II 36" WS A6M2 Zero 48" WS Aichi D3A2 Val 41 WS Ansaldo SVA-5 45" WS Arsenal VG-33 36" WS Avro Arrow 21" WS BAC TSR-2 31" WS Bell P-39 Aircobra 37" WS Bell X-5 35" WS Berg Aviatik D-1 40" WS Bf 109e 36" WS BF-109 34" WS Blohm and Voss P 212 39" WS Blohm and Voss BV 208 36" WS Blohm und Voss BV 40 50" WS Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress 39" WS Boeing PB-1 38" WS Bristol Scout Type D 32" WS Cessna Bird Dog 48" WS Chance Vought F4U-1A Corsair 36" WS Curtiss Hawk AE3 XF6C-6 48" WS Curtiss Hawk P-6E 42" WS Curtiss Osprey 30" WS Curtiss P-40B Tomahawk 34" WS Curtiss XP/YP-23 48" WS De Havilland DH-103 Hornet DFW T-28 Floh 16" WS DH-6 39" WS Dornier Do335 VII Pfeil 45" WS Electric P-51 Mustang 31" WS F-117A 42" WS F-15 Eagle 49" WS F-18 Electric 33" WS F-4 Phantom 38" WS F-4 Phantom 45" WS F/A-18 Hornet 43" WS F4U-1A Corsair 36" WS F4U-1D Corsair 34" WS F6F Hellcat 42" WS Fairchild PT-19 44" WS Fairchild PT-19 48" WS Fairey Barracuda 32" WS Fairey Barracuda 48" WS Fairey Firefly MkV 41" WS Fantrainer 37" WS Fiat CR.32 40" WS Fieseler Fi 156 Storch 47" WS Fieseler Fi 156C Storch 46" WS Fieseler Storch Fi 156 45" WS Flying Tiger P-40 43" WS FMA IA 58 Pucara 32" WS Focke Wulf 190A-5 46" WS Focke-Wulf 190A 48" WS Focke-Wulf Fw 190D 34" WS Fokker D.XXI 36" WS Fokker D7 30" WS Fokker DR-1 40" WS Fokker DR-1 48" WS Fokker DR-1 8" WS Fokker DVII 37" WS Fokker DVII 34" WS Fokker DVIII 42" WS Fokker DVIII 46" WS Fokker EIII Eindecker 25" WS Fokker Eindekker 48" WS Fokker V.23 48" WS Grumman E9F-2KD Panther 39" WS Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat 45" WS Hannover CL IIIA 30" WS Hawker Demon 46" WS Hawker Hurricane Mk1 50" WS Hawker Tempest MkI 48" WS Heinkel he 162 33" WS Il-2 29" WS Junkers Ju 87D Stuka 41" WS Junkers Ju-88 46" WS Cessna L-19 Bird Dog 46" WS Lockheed F-104G 24" WS Macchi C.200 35" WS Martin AM-1 Mauler 50" WS Messerschmitt Me 109 40" WS Messerschmitt Me 109 48" WS Messerchmitt Me 262A-1 42" WS Messerchmitt Me109 39" WS Messerschmitt Me 109e 36" WS Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet 32" WS P-51 Micro Mustang 18" WS Mig 7 45" WS MiG-25 Foxbat 34" WS Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero 40" WS Mitsubishi J2M3 Raiden 50" WS Morane Saulnier L 34" WS Morane Saulnier Type L 47" WS N3N-3 39" WS Nieuport 11 42" WS Nieuport 17 30" WS Nord 3202 46" WS North American F-51D Mustang 49" WS North American Fury 31" WS North American P-51 Mustang 51" WS P-39 Airacobra 40" WS P-47 Thunderbolt 22" WS P-47D Thunderbolt 34" WS P-51 Mustang 49" WS P-51D Mustang 48" WS P-51D Mustang 35" WS P-51D Mustang 20" WS P-51D Mustang 48" WS P-51D Mustang 36" WS P-59A Airacomet 44" WS Peppe La Peuw (Nieuport) 23" WS Polikarpov Po-2 37" WS Profile P-51 Mustang 26" WS Raiden J2M3 50" WS Rumplestadt C Type 42" WS Russian CP-1 32" WS Saab 37 Viggen 32" WS Se-5 13" WS SE5 32" WS SE5a 40" WS SE5a 47" WS SE5a 42" WS SE5a 26" WS Short Seamew Shorts Embraer Tucano 46" WS Siebel Si 201 V2 46" WS Siemens Schuckert 13" WS Simple Me109 35" WS Simple T-6 Texan 34" WS Skyraider 39" WS Sopwith Camel 23" WS Sopwith Camel 13" WS Sopwith Pup 12" WS Sopwith Pup 30" WS Sopwith Pup 13" WS Sopwith Pup 34" WS Sopwith Snipe 13" WS Sopwith Triplane 13" WS Sperry Messenger 46" WS Spitfire 24 / Seafire 47 44" WS Spitfire I 24" WS Spitfire IX 42" WS Spitfire IX 48" WS Spitfire Mk XIV 39" WS Spitfire Mk1 36" WS Spitfire MkIIa 20" WS Spitfire MkXVI 30" WS SR-71 Blackbird 38" WS Sunday Fighters 35" WS Super Spad 38" WS Supermarine Spiteful 35" WS Supermarine Spitfire MkII 49" WS Tall Texan 48" WS Thomas Morse S4C 31" WS Thomas Morse Scout 13" WS Vickers Wellesley 37" WS Warbirds 42" WS Yak-1 33"WS Yak-3 40" WS B-24_Liberator 60" WS Boeing F4B-2 60" WS Boeing F4B-4 60" WS Boulton Paul Defiant 60" WS Canadair CT-114 Tutor 60" WS Curtiss SB2C-1 Helldiver 60" WS Dornier Do 23 60" WS Fairey Fulmar 60" WS Gloster Gamecock 60" WS Grumman Hellcat 60" WS Hawker Hurricane MkI 60" WS Junkers Ju 87b Stuka 60" WS You can build any one of these model airplanes with the full size plans on this DVD-ROM: This is a must have reference for any model airplane builder! Make sure you check out our other listings. Our library is ever expanding. Overall, we believe our product provides the best value out there. We provide more for less! Catalog Number and disclaimer Catalog #TCA-G51 If you purchase another item with this same catalog number, you will get two identical items. We are the owner and creator of this disk, and we have full distribution rights to this item. Distribution rights are non-transferable. This disk is our creation, and we participate in eBay's Vero Program. Each disk is shipped in a plain mailer with no case. Shipping and Payment information Pay through PayPal using: We are centrally located in America's heartland in the great state of Tennessee! All items will be shipped out within 1 business day to your PayPal address. We will only ship to your PayPal verified address. Please view our shipping and sales tax rules on our shipping and payments tab above. All items are shipped by USPS first class mail. In an effort to keep our costs down, that are passed along as low prices to you, all of our disks are packaged and shipped in economic sleeves and mailers. All of our disks are labeled with a clean label and some graphics. The disks are made this way for speed and cost, which translates into lower cost for you. We focus our efforts on the quality of the material on the disk. We do not believe in charging you an extra 3 or 4 dollars like some companies out there just to throw in a 25 cent plastic case and slap a color label on an item. We believe you purchase for content, and ours is the best, although we still believe you will be pleased with the presentation. PLEASE READ ABOUT SHIPPING TIMES: The estimated delivery dates shown above are ebay's estimates, not ours. Sometimes ebay's dates are completely unrealistic. Every effort is made to get your item out the next day, but once it leaves us, we ask that you please understand that we do not guarantee delivery by any date, since the USPS does not give us a guarantee either. Below is our estimates on what to expect: USA CUSTOMERS: Most times, your package will arrive in about 1 week after we ship them depending on where you are at. However, lately the Post Office it seems has not been very cooperative with us and we've had a couple of customers wait a few days longer than that. If the item does not arrive, please email us directly and let us know, and we will make it right. NON-USA CUSTOMERS: Same deal above, except your packages typically have been taking about 2 weeks or so after we ship them. We've noticed that maybe 20% of overseas customers have been waiting as long as 4+ weeks for these shipments. The only explanation we can come up with is that it must be stuck in some container in some dock waiting on customs clearance. It happens, and for those 20% of customers, we apologize, but there is very little we can do about that. Your disk will arrive or we will replace it. Multiple items purchased by the same customer may or may not be shipped in the same package, at our discretion. We do not offer any additional discounts on multiple items other than the ones noted above. Feedback Policy: Please offer us a chance to fix any problems before leaving us negative feedback for any reason by emailing us first with your problem. The only thing we ask from our customers is that if they have a problem, that they give us a chance to fix the problem for them before they leave bad feedback. If negative feedback is left without any prior communication, we will assume you are no longer interested in communicating and working things out. If you run into issues and wish to speak with us, we ask that you please refrain from opening a request on ebay and email us directly by asking a question first, and give us a chance to answer you before you open a request! If you have any questions prior to bidding, please use contact the seller above and let us know. Thank you!!!!!! Copyright notice and disclaimer: We ARE THE AUTHOR OF THIS DISK. We have full rights to distribute this collection. Per eBay policy, we have ownership and rights to these disks and have full legal authorization to replicate the content at our discretion without any further permission. All of our disks and other media are copyrighted by ADVPlans, LLC, and redistribution without our consent is prohibited. We also believe that many takedown requests on eBay originate from competitors trying to gain an unfair advantage. Copyright © 2015, ADVPlans, LLC. All rights reserved. (All of our disks and contents are branded with our name and web address) Attention eBay Staff: The book or books on this media are free from copyright per the Copyright Act of 1976. This content of this media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations. Verification is available upon request. All unique content is copyrighted by ADV Plans, LLC.

Price: 12.49 USD

Location: McMinnville, Tennessee

End Time: 2024-02-20T21:54:29.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

5,500 RC Model Airplane Plans, Gliders, Jetex Control Line Templates PDF DVD G51

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 60 Days

Refund will be given as: Money back or exchange (buyer's choice)

Modified Item: No


Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Compatible Vehicle Type: Airplanes

Age Level: 12 Months & Under, 1-2 Years, 3-4 Years, 5-7 Years, 8-11 Years, 12-16 Years, 17 Years & Up

Brand: ADV Plans, LLC

Type: Template


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