Description: Garfield the Movie on VHS, released in 2004, is a heartwarming family film featuring the beloved cartoon cat brought to life by actor Bill Murray. Directed by Pete Hewitt, this animated comedy follows Garfield, voiced by the iconic Murray, on a hilarious adventure. With a G rating, this film is suitable for audiences of all ages and is sure to entertain and delight fans of the classic comic strip. This 20th Century Fox production stars Breckin Meyer as the leading role, offering a fun and entertaining viewing experience for the whole family. The NTSC signal standard ensures compatibility with North American VHS players, making it a great addition to any movie collection. Perfect for fans of animation and family-friendly movies, Garfield the Movie is a must-have for any Garfield enthusiast.
Price: 20 CAD
Location: Woodstock, Ontario
End Time: 2025-01-23T04:46:41.000Z
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Item Specifics
Returns Accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Genre: Animation & Anime
Language: English
Release Year: 2004
Signal Standard: NTSC
Actor: Bill Murray
Rating: G
Sub-Genre: Family
Director: Pete Hewitt
Movie/TV Title: Garfield
Leading Role: Breckin Meyer
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Studio: 20th Century Fox